Monday, May 19, 2014

Preparation for the Orlando Burn Event!

We are 19 days away from one of the most anticipated event of the summer “The Burn Event Orlando”.   To view our line up visit our second blog “Click here”.  Doors open at 6:30 PM Saturday Night, June 7th at The Living Edge Church.  Visit The Burn Event’s website for more detail.

If you are looking for something different or you are just a lost individual that just can’t figure out what your next steps in life are then you need to be at this event.  The Event is totally free and a select few individuals will receive some gifts.  For the past year The Burn crew has been preparing for this one single event because we believe it will be the best one yet.  It’s not about the number of individuals who attend, but that one person who can hear the word and change the world.  This is not your ordinary event, it has a twist where we just let the Lord flow and let whatever happen.  You as an attendee will not just sit in a chair and listen to people talk.  We have a lineup that will totally transform the way you look at church or a youth group.  The line-up we have is incredible, so come expecting. 

It has been 3 years since we had our first event on 9/11, 2011 and we are prepared to take this to the next level.  Our goal is to provide you with the tools to not only reach your goals, but your dreams.  This event cannot be explained, but only experienced.  Join us June 7th at 6:30 PM and leave changed.  This is a critical time in your life and there is something pulling you to come to this event.  We will be looking for that one individual that will change the world. 

Tell your friends, your family, your siblings, your church, and your cousins, anyone you can possible think of to join us for this event. 

BURN – Believe, Unit, Run the Race, Never Give Up!

 Check out our Promo Video below to get a quick glimpse of what to expect:  

Monday, May 12, 2014

Unique Youth Group Games!

Whether you are at work or leading a church group, games are vital to building relationships.  There are thousands of games that a youth group can engage in that can enhance the experience for your youth group.

1 Peter 4:8 
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

If you have a youth group with more than 20 individuals than scatterball is the game for you.  The game is similar to what we call dodge ball, but has a twist to it.  How it works is the ball is thrown into the air and whoever has the ball can only take two steps before throwing.  If the ball hits the player than that individual takes a seat, but is still in the game. 

Minute to Win It:
We’ve all heard of the NBC game and the excitement of possible winning a million dollars.  As a youth leader you have a chance to pick from a list of over 50 games.  You can also put your own twists on games.  This builds teamwork and relationships within your youth group. 

Tug of War:
This game is an instant classic and is always one of the most fun games to play.  This game never gets old, but it is important to change it up a bit.  Make sure that this game is outside and has some sort of muddy pile in the middle.  Leader’s verses the youth group is important to show that you are as involved as the youth group itself. 

Seated Basketball:
Seated basketball is a type of game that is divided into two teams.  The game is divided into multiple rounds.  The individual shooting can place there chair in a specific spot, but cannot move it once seated.  You must pass the ball around a certain amount of times before shooting, but need to watch out for the opposing team.  This game requires a ton of teamwork and strategic play. 

Red-Hot Poker:
Last but not least is a game that requires strength and knowledge.  Get the entire group in a circle while holding hands.  Put a trash can in the middle and try to drag and pull one another into the middle.  If your hands break apart or you touch the trash can then you’re out.  Last one standing wins!

Remember that these are kids that want to have fun.  They don’t just want to come to youth group to sit in a chair and listen to someone talk.  Play these games once a week before service starts and watch your group grow in ways you would have never expected.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Advice to Youth Leaders!

Have you ever struggled to understand what young kids do and think about. Do you wonder why it is so difficult to understand them? I have some advice to give regarding these questions.  

The youth of this world are making decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives.  Who do young adults turn to when they need help in choosing a life decision? They turn to the individual who are much older and have more experiences.  The most effective way to gain trust from a youth individual is to build a relationship.  You won’t build any type of relationship just through teaching, but it is after the class to where you engage that person on a one to one bases. 

The truth is that God loves us for who we are, but not for what we do.  “Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth” (1 John 3:18).  This verse is a perfect example of how individuals not as experienced in life need to see love and faith in their elders to understand it in depth.  These kids range from anywhere from 6 grade to 12th grade.  We need to live in their world and by doing this we show them that they are loved.  We show interest in things they like to do.  It is not just a once a week I’ll see you at youth group for an hour.  By going to some of their sporting events, etc… We prove to them that this is much more and that we care. 

This generation is all about change and technology.  Our youth ministries need to stay in tune with the new culture adaption.  We need to be on top of social media and new devices that arise because it is key to have these types of tools in the youth room. 

There is a tremendous amount of hurt and brokenness in today’s world. As a leader in we need to not only hide our feelings in front of these kids, but to be positive and show them that there is much better out there than what they think.  These kids have talents and gifts that we need to help reveal to them.  Everyone can use a helping hand in this world regardless if they want it or not. 

 No one who is young is never going to be old.